Lens, your one source of company insights

We help you browse, screen and compare data published by a wide universe of entities with our independent and innovative solution.

Leverage an unrivaled database of 15,000+ global issuers

corporatings.com - Data Reports

by nature

Data is sourced directly from the documents with no middleman

Each data can be traced back to its origin in one click

corporatings.com - Reports

as reported

All granular data with no opaque adjustments or estimations

Labels of data translated and made understandable from all public reporting

corporatings.com - Data Reports available in a flash

in a flash

Access the data within minutes of its filing

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Financial statements

Balance sheet, income statement, cash flows statement...

Revenue breakdowns

By geographic area, by product or service, by segment...


Purchase price allocation, impact of exchange rates, accounting policies...

And more !

Management feedback, industry statistics, sustainability...

from the crowd


Broaden your analysis by integrating into your universe companies poorly covered yet

Data visualisation

Use innovation technology to deliver a new intuitive way to turn available data into opportunity


Do not miss a single data point and integrate more varied criteria and design your own personalised indicators


Improve your business intelligence with broad comparisons

... and of course,


Available as a service, through APIs or data feeds tailored for you with an unlimited access

Real service from
real people

Expert help for all your requests, available at all times and user friendly documentation

simple daily use.
Alexandre Prat-Fourcade - CorporatingsCyril Manssens - Corporatings

“ Access and understand data

in a second with a total confidence. We offer an experience in line with modern uses to empower your decisions.”

Cyril Manssens

COO – Corporatings cofounder

Marc Houiller - Coporatings
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